The Cliff Bar & Grill
The location of this restaurant is its greatest asset, that's not to take away from the design, decor, service or cuisine.
It just happens to be located over sea splashed limestone boulders and facing out towards Silver Beach a very picturesque bay area surrounded by jungle, it really is lovely.
The restaurant opened in 2004 and testament to its all round quality is the amount of awards is picked up along the way.
The food is a Mediterranean blend of Portuguese, Italian and Spanish all prepared by owner and Chef, Bradley Mullins.
Aside great food, there is a good selection of new and old world wines on offer.
The bar is as much an attraction as the restaurant, this is where you'll find many locals enjoying an afternoon drink. There is a fantastic selection of drinks on offer, including 5 varieties of champagne!
Friday and Saturday night sees local resident DJ Andy Vier spinning funky house!